South African Police Service (SAPS) officers killed six suspects during a shootout in South Beach, Point area of Durban, just before midnight on Monday, 2 September. The suspects were wanted in connection with several murder and extortion cases.
Police were tracing the suspects, allegedly linked to the shooting of five people on Siyaphambili Road in Tshelimnyama, Mariannhill, on Sunday night. Five men were seated on the side of the road drinking alcohol when the suspects arrived in a vehicle armed with pistols and a rifle and ordered the victims to lie down before shooting them.
Police followed information regarding the suspects, who were believed to be hiding in Newlands East. Upon arrival, further intelligence established that the suspects were in a rented holiday apartment on South Beach Avenue in the Point area of Durban, the SAPS said. When police announced their presence, the suspects opened fire, and a shootout ensued. All six suspects were shot and fatally wounded during the shootout, with no police officers sustaining any injuries.
The suspects are allegedly further linked to a triple murder, where three men were shot and killed near a tuckshop on the Minitown main road in Mpumalanga township, in Hammersdale on Friday afternoon. They are also believed to be responsible for a Friday evening robbery at a shop on the ground floor of the apartment building they were found in. Police further believe the suspects were involved in the illicit drug trade.
Prior to a search of the apartment, police found three firearms, which will be subjected to ballistic testing to ascertain if they are linked to other crimes. Police are investigating the person who booked the room for the suspects.